Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unravelling the Spin

Unravelling the Spin...You need to see this if you're at all interested in Canadian TV and have been scratching your head trying to decipher all that's coming out of this week's CRTC hearings.

There's no death star aimed at Local TV and no TV TAX in the works. All that noise you're hearing is just a major spin war between two entities that would be best known as GREEDY AND GREEDIER, waging a PR battle to win consumer hearts, minds, and mostly the contents of your wallets...
from the Writers Guild of Canada

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this video! It's nice to see something that isn't heavily biased in favour of either side.

I also love the fact that more people online are stepping up and talking about this issue. There's way too much misinformation out there right now and it's nice to see the power of social media in action to combat the spin!